Tag Archives: victoria

Rainy Day Ramblings

Hello my dears!
Apologies for having been MIA-I did an eight day run at work, had yesterday off, and called today Monday. How have y’all been doing?

I’m on the bus right now, so first off, apologies for any spelling mistakes; and secondly, this is just gonna be a quickie.

It’s such a gorgeous rainy day here on the island, grey and misty and drizzly-just how I like it. I get why people consider this depressing, but I honestly just find it refreshing and peaceful. Kinda matches my mood today, actually. I’m all pensive and quiet inside. The weather is a perfect compliment.

I should; however, invest in a rain jacket and/or an umbrella!

Anywhore. Other than work, been getting through my stack of owed art, not getting enough sleep (damn you, insomnia), and generally rocking the free world with my head held up a little too high. You can’t really blame me for being stoked on life right now–I have my love and I have my life. The rest is either noise or cake. Luckily, I’m good at drowning out the noise. And I like cake.

Annnyyywaayyyysss. It’s my stop so this is it for this disjointed little cluster of a post. Real post soon, I promise.

For now,
Wallace out.

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One For The Books

Hello dear readers,

Happy Saturday to you all! Hopefully, you got out and enjoyed your days – it was a beautiful one here in the 250 – hot and humid and sunny as all hell, just the way I like it!

I had a fucking HELL of a time falling asleep last night. I think I came down off the shock of hearing about my friend’s passing and started feeling it after my (supposedly) bedtime bowl, so after kissing Vega goodnight, I sat on the couch for a few hours, television on but not paying attention, Visa cuddled up on my lap. For the first time in months I just let myself cry and it was a total out of body experience, sitting there still and numb and sad and broken and feeling it. Really feeling it, the weight of it, of past mistakes and transgressions, of mistakes made and friends laid to rest, of enemies and drugs, of Harleys and Hell, beatings both verbal and physical. I have lived a life that has made me cold; however, I think I’m starting to truly thaw in the warmth of the promise of a future I never dreamed would be mine. I cried, and I laughed, and I remembered…and then I let a lot of it go. Don’t get me wrong, it’s never gone, but there comes a time when you really have to accept the past and put it back in its place; that is, as a guiding light to remind you who you are, who you were, and where you want to be.

Anyways, the point of it all is that I’d be a liar if I told you that I’m over my friend’s death, because I’m not. I’m sad, I’m angry, and I’m grieving; however, I’m happy to be alive, to be free, to be happy and healthy and loved. My friend’s death is not in vain – she’ll forever inspire me to enjoy every minute that much more. Life is fleeting, and I feel that we all take that for granted too much and too often. Live, truly live, and be grateful that you’re alive and can do so.

I fell asleep at like 5:30 in the morning, and I had the craziest happiest dreams. When I rolled over this morning and saw the love of my life next to me everything made perfect sense, and I snuggled up next to him after hitting the snooze button with a grin on my lips and an elevated heartrate. I am the luckiest woman alive. Vega STILL gives me butterflies (and I have a feeling that he always will).

We finally got out of bed around 1:00, had a cup of coffee and a few cigarettes, then I showered and got dressed (in some amazingly obnoxious fluorescent pink jeans) and had a rip and a smoke before heading off to the Westrock Tattoo Convention in Saanich. We got there and were both giddy as could be, artist shopping and portfolio ogling. I managed to get my shitty old prison-style tatt fixed up by the wonderful mister Mike from Incendiary Tattoos (they’re in Esquimalt, and if you’re looking for trad, Mike’s your guy) for a nominal fee. Of course, we knew some of the same folks, and had a good laugh while I was getting touched up. Aside: real tattoo machines hurt a fuck ton less than Bic pens with jury-rigged motors do. Anyways. Vega also found an unbelievably talented artist who is in the running for the prestige of tattooing a large portion of my handsome man, and it was overall a great expo full of wonderful art, lots of inspiration, and some serious talent. Big ups.

Madchild also performed this evening, which was a MAJOR highlight of the day for this girl. Special guest Slain from La Coka Nostra tore up the stage as well as Ad Lib; however, Mad killed it. Like, slaughtered it. The crowd was small and mostly tweenies, I got waved up to the front of the stage via security (after a knowing little nod was passed forth from the ill villain) and got a handshake, a wink, and a smile before my favorite track off the album was played. You guys, “It Gets Better” almost brought me to tears this evening – the entirety of this year has been a turning point for me; however, that was a lynchpin kind of moment. It DOES get better, it really does. Plus, it’s kind of fun having enough cred to have security put you front and (slightly off-)center. There are few perks to the lifestyle I used to lead, and I don’t mind a little VIP treatment here and there as  fallout. Hah.

Now, we’re at home and relaxing – Vega is cooking us up some steaks and yam fries (which smell AMAZING, by the by), I kind of want to hit the bong (scratch that, I will be hitting the bong), and though I still feel kind of messy and sad and down, I also feel at peace.

I am truly, deeply, seriously grateful for how my life turned out. And no, I’m not trying to “be a martyr,” as my mom would claim; however, I’m happy that I carry the weight of it all with me everywhere I go. I don’t think I’d get as much unbridled joy and appreciation out of things now if it weren’t for the shit I put myself through back then.

Anywhore. This post is becoming too personal and circular and I think it’s high time (ha!) that I take my introspective bullshit outside and mull it over while I float away on strange clouds.

For now,

Wallace, out.

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Much Awaited (and long overdue) Catch-Up On The Mia-verse! (or, “Sorry I’ve Been Terrible At Blogging Lately!”)

Hello dear readers!
Have you missed me yet? I’ve missed y’all! The blog stats are through the goddamn roof this month so far (as of 8:25pm PST, we’re looking at 6,554 unique visitors, 240 comments, and a whole schwack of shares on Reddit, Pinterest and Twitter), and I’d like to take a minute to say a huge THANK YOUto every single one of you who take the time out of your day to read my ramblings. It truly means the world to me, and I’m so excited that if the metrics stay where they lie now, we should hit 10,000 visitors by the first EIB-anniversary! You guys rock my fuckin’ world, seriously.

Seriously, y’all. Thank you so much. ❤

Alrighty, so. Update on my life. So much has happened lately that I barely know where to start! I suppose where I left off would be a good place, no? Freelancing, that’s where I was at. I was ghostwriting a bunch of (rather uninteresting) articles while I was hunting for a job, and that was good practice for a professional writer, let me tell you. It also kept my sanity (somewhat) intact while I underwent the seemingly fruitless and hugely frustrating task of hunting for a job for the first time in a year in a new city. Whoever said that looking for a job is a fulltime job in and of itself was painfully correct. Anywhore, it was a semi-frustrating, semi-badass couple of days writing for 12 hours straight about automotive insurance and pallet racking systems…can’t say that I wrote anything I’m spectacularly proud of; however, I can now officially say that I’ve been paid to write. One step closer to the dream, right? One day. One day I will be an author. At this point, I don’t even care how long it takes; but, that’s a tangent for another day.

This is basically how it feels to have 10,000 words to write within an eight hour window, encapsulated nicely in a hilarious gif for your enjoyment.

Where was I again? my brain is just everywhere today. OH YEAH – job hunting. So, can’t lie, this whole finding employment after not having had to have done so for a year was intimidating, frustrating, and pretty much awful. That said, I did find a job – a mighty sweet job – completely by fluke. I’d stopped into a coffee shop in Chinatown on one of my (many, many, many) “let’s hand out 50 resumes today and see where we get” adventures, and offhandedly left one with the barista after downing my quad short Americano. Lo and behold, the very day I had decided to just give the fuck up, they called me in for an interview! I got the job (woo!), have now passed my probation (WOO!), am learning to use the espresso machine (Woohoo!), and have received my first raise (WOOHOO!). It’s a great little joint in a super eclectic and interesting part of the city, my coworkers are radballs, and I’m officially worth something (monetary, anyways) once again! Such a relief! It’s also 2/3 of the reason why I’ve been failing to update here – it’s been busy. But, I’m working on it, and slowly (but surely) my schedule is once again falling into place. Life is (once again) falling into place. And my habit of using superfluous parentheses is still intact.

Basically how I feel about things right meow.

Also exciting, my passport finally arrived! I am so unbelievably fucking stoked about this I can’t even. Literally everything about the acquisition of said documentation was stressful as all hell – from getting my documents back from my parents, to the fact that I waited until the trip was 8 weeks away, to the seemingly endless waiting game…BUT – it all worked out, I am passport-clad until 2023, and I must say that my photo is rather spectacular (I  look skinny, my hair is rad, and I don’t have my convict face rockin’). I feel so free having this in my hands it is insane! As somebody who used to mean the world to me used to say, “if you do what you’re supposed to be doing, things will fall into place.” She was wrong about a lot of things, but that one was on point. Its these things that make life feel right somehow in a way that very little else can – I mean, the day to day of being with Vega, of being in the 250, that much is easy to see. The bigger things take proof these days for me to accept, and I got a big dose of reassurance that I’m on the right path today. Seriously, I’m just fucking thrilled. And I’m all of an hour from Seattle…I see many a roadtrip in mine and Vega’s futures!

While we’re on the subject of Victoria and all that jazz, I thought I’d take a minute to express my utter glee at being an official resident of the 250. It is spectacular living here, and I draw that distinction because although I made many a trek down here during my club days (that’s a story for another day but whatever), I never got to experience the city for all it’s worth. In the past few weeks, Vega and I have:
-gone for a hike to a gorgeous lake with his coworker on a Friday afternoon (where we said hello to Mary Jane and went for a swim)
-seen a floating symphony orchestra perform during sunset on the harbour, which was a magical and beautiful and wonderfully romantic date night
-discovered the most wonderful path to get to the local grocery store, which takes us through a gorgeous forest (and also, multiple blackberry bushes and plum trees)
-seen a metal show at Lucky’s bar (Torrefy, Vesperia, Crimson Shadows, and Unleash the Archers)
-fallen in love with the vibrant, eccentric, lively, and ever-shifting landscape (both the people and the nature)
Basically, we love it here (I shouldn’t speak for Vega but I’m taking the liberty to do so anyways..haha love yoooou!), and I foresee many a happy day spent here for years to come. There’s something to be said for coastal life!

It certainly is more relaxed a pace than that of Oil Rig Town

Hmm, what else to divulge… OH YEAH. So Vega and I are into our third week of a Whole30, and I’m pleased to announce that I’ve definitely lost a couple inches! I miss beer, but that’s okay – I’ll be able to imbibe a little on the 31st for the UFC fights. I’m thinking that watching the fights at the 4-mile might be a good usage of my time and calories for the day haha 🙂 All the same, it’s been a good few weeks of eating right and moving more. That’s the key folks. A calorie’s a calorie, no matter how small. Healthy mentality + healthy food + move more than you consume = weight dropped. I promise I’m not getting all freaky deaky again; however, I also made a pact with myself to be comfortable in my bathing suit by the time we go vacationing in September. Attainable goal, check. Insert minor freakout induced by pending vacation excitement—>here.

Me right now


Also in the “things that Mia is way too excited about” category is this upcoming Saturday. Why, you ask? Welp, it turns out that Mddchild is playing at the Victoria Tattoo Expo (tangent: “Lawnmower Man.” Download it. Right the fuck now. SO GOOD!!). And I’m not working. And I’m going to spend the day ogling tattoos, AND SEEING MY FAVORITE FUCKING CANADIAN ARTIST EVER. I have also become privy to the knowledge that the deposit on my tatt with the artist I want will be max $100.00, so we can all safely assume that come November, my sleeve will be done. We can all also safely assume that I am entirely too excited about the coalescence of these two magical and happy-inducing things. Insert overexcitement—>here.

Basically. My first rap concert ever? Swollen Members, 2001. I think I actually love them more now that I’m older. Always been there for my earholes, they have been!

Besides all of that, I believe that’s a fair 1300-odd word summation of where I’m at and where I’ve been lately. Life’s legitimately good, and that’s still super weird. Slowly though, the fog is lifting–the scars of my past (both mental and physical) are beginning to fade, and things are starting to make sense again. I find myself lost in this strange sense of peace – something that my dear friend MJ described in Endure perfectly – “…peace, like I’d never felt before. I understood what the word meant academically, but I’d never felt it like this.” Truer words, never spoken. I used to find solace in the insanity, and I’m learning with every passing day here on the island with my Vega that it is an entirely possible and attainable thing to find the same solace in sanity. Perhaps this is the cusp of the BHAG finally taking hold over the bullshit. To quote Bukowski, “what matters most is how well you walk through the fire,” and I believe I have made my way through Hell relatively unscathed. If 13 year old me could see how 23 year old me turned out, I think she’d be a little bit more than proud.


Gratuitous cute:


For now,

Wallace, out.




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Happy Canada Day!

Hello Blogoverse!

I am mobile blogging this, so apologies in advance for any spelling mistakes.

First of all, happy Canada Day! Make sure you all party hard and stay safe tonight.

Second off, Vega, Visa and I are happy and safe on the beautiful island of Victoria. We are staying with mama and papa Vega in their basement suite for the time being, which is spectacular o them and a huge favor to us, as we now have the luxury of taking our time to find the perfect spot to call our home.

It is still surreal as hell being out here. As I type this, we are sitting on the lower great deck, drinking coolers and smoking cigarettes under the sunshine. There’s a perfect breeze coming off of the water, and we are enraptured by the view – from where I sit, there’s nothing but blue skies and water as far as the eye can see.

For now, I’m going to cut this short and continue enjoying my last day as a 22 year old in my idyllic new surroundings. More updates and pictures to come.

Wallace, out.

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It’s The Final Countdown (insert guitar solo here)!

Hello, blogosphere!

Happy Sunday to you! Hopefully your weekend has been relaxing and dry (403 friends, we had some batshit cray cray weather this week, no?)

Calgary flooding – INSANE! Hats off to Nenshi for handling the situation like a champ. Vega and I were lucky not to be evacuated, high ground has advantages for sure. Photo courtesy of the National Post.

On a serious note, I genuinely do hope that you’re all safe and sound and unaffected by the flood damage. Be safe out there, and for the love of Jeebus, don’t tempt fate – this is obviously not the time to be bridge jumping or canoeing (seriously, read a story about some “brilliant” 403-dwellers this morning).

Anyways. It’s been a relatively quiet week. Tuesday we spent the evening hanging out with Scissors, which was of course a great time. Veggie and Chef got evacuated on Thursday due to the flood, so they came over for a little bit and we chatted about life and watched Bullshit!. Friday night, we went and hung out at Mouth’s place with him, Veggie and Chef – Greg the Bunny and good friends is always a recipe for laughs. Brother W’s birthday was yesterday (lots to say there, will hold on to that for a future post) and I succeeded in fucking up my sleep pattern royally. After sleeping until 9:30 last night, I awoke to my lovely love and coffee and “Penn and Teller Tell A Lie”. We lounged around for a couple hours, then decided that it was time for food. Took a walk down to our usual haunt (which was packed to the gills – save water, drink beer!), then made a secondary trek to another pub a few blocks in the opposite direction. We had a great meal and a couple of pints, and spent a good long while throwing ideas around for our pending wedding. Not something we tend to do a lot of; however, I’m definitely warming to the idea, and it’s both fun and overwhelming (still!) to start thinking about the wedding part of the whole getting married thing. At  the end of the day, I still firmly maintain that the wedding essentially doesn’t matter–after all, as long as I get forever after with my Vega, everything else is secondary–but all the same, happy exciting times are in our futures. So much good unfolding! Such a happy blogmistress. Speaking of which..


A week. One measly, short little week and Vega and I will be on the road heading towards beautiful British Columbia. Talk about an exciting realization – this time next week I’ll be sitting shotgun in a U-Haul! Vega and I are pretty well set to go already – we did a walkthrough this evening and put a few last items in boxes, and besides our clothes, we’re packed! The final Kijiji push is on (seriously, anybody need a car? Tattoo equipment? A guitar?!), last minute errands are getting checked off the proverbial to-do list, and things are falling nicely into place. Despite all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, this all feels too good to be true. It’s such an exciting time for us right now my poor cranium can barely process it all. Life’s fucking spectacular, folks. I’m so very glad to have held on through the bullshit – this moment, the future that’s on the horizon, the adventures Vega and I are about to undergo? SO FUCKING WORTH IT. Record breaking amounts of happy dancing and woohoo! moments have been happening.

^ Me, right now.

Today is going to be spent running errands with Vega before hitting the hay early (like I said, all nighter again..6:00pm sounds like the perfect bedtime!) so that we can kick off the week on a productive note. I have to venture downtown to pick up my contact lenses, which should be an adventure considering that downtown is basically shut down right now, transit wise, due to the train tracks being washed out in the flooding. I am bracing myself for lots of shuttles and transfers, but it’s allllll okay by me at this point. Everything is okay by me right now, even the things that really aren’t. My parents, my past, my baggage – it’s all so soon to be left behind that it isn’t worth my stressing over anymore. It’s the strangest sense of relief and peace – I am not used to this; however, I think I soon will be. I can’t wait for next week. Best birthday present EVER, Vega. I fucking love the hell out of you!

For now, I’m off to be productive. More soon, lots to be said.

Gratuitous cute:

Wallace, out.


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“The universe works on a math equation/ That never really ends in the end”

Happy Sunday, blogoverse!

Hopefully your weekends have been relaxing and fun – Vega and I are pulling an infamous all-nighter this evening, so I figured it was the perfect time for me to update y’all on how things are going and get a few things off my wee chest. It’s been an interesting couple of days for sure, and hell – how better to spend a night than writing (intermittently) anyways?

This captures me pretty well.

Yesterday night was lots of fun – we had Veggie, Chef and Mouth over and spent the evening watching shit on YouTube and talking about life. Those are by far three of the best people I’ve ever met – Vega, you’re awesome and you have amazing friends (that are now my friends, too). Basically the only thing that makes me somewhat hesitant about moving are my friends – the aforementioned three Musketeers, Scissors, Brother W, Dee…there are definitely some fantastic people who I’m going to miss very much. Hopefully, they’ll come out and visit us on the island. It’s pretty badass knowing that they’re all rooting for Vega and I though – life goes on, things shift and evolve, and people move – the people that matter; however, will remain in your life regardless of where you may be. This much, I have learned to be true (30+ moves in 5 years gives me the authority to speak on this matter), and the truth is, I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by the world’s freakin’ best. It’s extra badass that these folks have our backs, regardless of physical proximity. I love you guys, each and every one. I don’t tell my friends this enough. The last week has served as a brutal but necessary reminder for me (and for us all, really) to do so. Thank you, all of you, who’ve been there through the worst and for the best.

E-hugs for everyone I love ❤

Today started at 5:07pm, when I finally rolled over in my lovely love’s arms and got a smile and a kiss. Best way to start the day, hands down. We had a cup of coffee and a smoke over an episode of The Simpsons, then got dressed and made pilgrimage to Safeway for necessities (pork chops, pork roast, pesto-making supplies, and paleo-dessert-making supplies). When we got home, Vega made the aforementioned pesto (fucking delectable, Vega wins at sauces), I made the aforementioned dessert (chocolate-coconut-almond butter bars), and then dinner (pork chops with pesto and cabbage/broccoli sauté), which we ate while watching “RIP: A Remix Manifesto” (which, by the way, centers around my buddy Greg, aka Girl Talk). Following noms, Vega did some packing, I re-listed stuff on Kijiji, and we’ve been listening to the sweet sounds of the ’90s. Since we got both those to-do’s crossed off our respective lists, Vega has been working away and I’ve been blogging away. Our night, my friends, is still very young indeed. We’re doing this all-nighter thing out of necessity; Vega has a course to attend early in the morning, and we have a shitpile of random things to finish before the move.

our battle cry, Vega!

I don’t mind being nocturnal so much, especially when it’s in the name of making progress with the pending move. I can barely believe it’s only eleven days away…It’s such an exciting promise, a clean break and a fresh start. I think Vega’s getting pretty excited himself (albeit a touch apprehensive, which is completely understandable!), and it’s pretty ridiculously badass that our summer is going to be spent putting down our roots in our new city, making new friends and having new adventures together. In fact, the best birthday present I could ever fathom is soon to be a reality – that is, dream city, dream man, dream life; mine and Vega’s for the taking and the making. It spins my head still on a consistent basis that this is, in fact, my life. How I got so lucky in so many ways? I still don’t know. I kind of don’t care to at this juncture, life requires some mystery and wonder even as an adult. Growing older? Inevitable. Growing up? Optional.


It’s also been somewhat a frustrating few days bearing a few family issues in mind. First of all, Father’s Day. I hate it; and no, not because I hate my father. What I hate about it is much harder to explain, but since I have the time and it’s weighing heavy on my mind, I’m sure as fuck going to try. I don’t think my dad envisioned life as a father when he was my age. From what I know of my dad, he would have been content as hell living his life simply, a single (not necessarily alone, just not married with kids) man who had all the time in the world to work. Now, don’t misconstrue this – he was a great dad in the sense that he always provided for us, and undoubtedly loves his family. However (and this is a big however), he’s also never made any illusions about his role as a parent – he maintained from a very early point in my life that as long as I grew up to be a good person and an independent woman, his job would effectively be done and he would effectively cease and desist. “If we grow up to be friends,” he’d say, “bonus. If not, I’m still happy as long as you’re capable and happy.” Those words used to haunt me as a kid, long before I even thought about leaving home. I couldn’t fathom a world without my dad, my hero. I made myself worry sick about that for years. What if I grew up and he didn’t like me? What if his prophecy came to be? Life went on, and indeed we have had our differences. I look back now, and I mourn for the little girl I used to be, for the best friend I used to have in my dad. I know he loves me to this very day, but it tears me up inside every single fucking Father’s day – as always, he was right. I wish in many respects that this wasn’t the case. I still love you, Pops. I am sorry for the mistakes of my past, but I refuse to apologize for who I have become. I wish that wasn’t an it all end all situation for us as it stands. If there is anybody I miss in this world, it’s you, Dad.

I always loved this song, but it makes so much more sense at this juncture in life than it ever did as a kid..

Second on the docket of happy family issues is that of trying to calmly and rationally and respectfully broach the subject of my disinterest in trying to achieve the impossible: that is, a peaceful and bullshit free dinner date with my parents. Believe me, it would fill me with immense joy to sit down and have an uneventful, pleasant meal with my folks; however, the sad truth is that this just won’t be the case. I have moved on, forgiven my parents, (in large part) forgotten about the things that hurt me deeply for a very long time. Unfortunately, my parents (my mother, especially) refuse to put the past in the past. Granted, I’ll hear that it’s in the past and where it should be, but I’ve played this game before. Things always start pleasant enough, and then somewhere during the appetizer, invariably my fuck ups, my transgressions and my failures get brought up in some way or another. There is no appropriate response to this (I’ve learned) other than my silence, my bowed head, my acceptance of the re-opening of wounds decades deep. Now, if I accept it silently, I am doing myself and everything I have built for myself by myself a disservice; however, if I bring to the table their fuck ups, their transgressions, and their failures, I am instantly an idiot, or delusional, or (and I quote) “refusing to take ownership of my life”. Sorry Mom, you make the world’s most delicious beef Stroganoff, but not even that is going to be enough to make me put us all through the wringer again. It isn’t fair to anybody – you included – for me to willingly accept an invitation to something that is forced, awkward, and unpleasant at very best. When you actually forgive me, as I’ve forgiven you, let me know. We can possibly and potentially work from there. But, as it stands, you aren’t there yet, and that’s okay. I can’t rush you, I can only hope that maybe the day will come when you read this and truly feel the way I do. The resentment you hold in your heart is so painfully obvious to me that it seems more prudent to distance myself for the time being. Growing up sucks, you’re definitely right about that. In regards to my relationship with both you and Dad, I long deeply for the easy days of my childhood. You were both my heroes, you know that, right?

“Little Miss Sunshine” says it all better than I can.

Ho hum. I think that’s enough family drama for the time being. There is of course more which I mull over all the goddamned time, but it’ll come out in the was on its own time. I’ve never actually taken the time to write about the prior two issues – they’re always there, but I usually try not to let myself wallow too much for too long. Old habit, needs to end. I’m taking baby steps here, guys. Sitting here in tears after finally getting all of that off of my chest is painful – more painful than I can even begin to describe – but it’s absolutely motherfucking necessary for my sake. I may have found it in me to forgive, but that comes along with a massive gaping black hole where my heart should be. Time to heal up, time to get stronger, and time to move forwards in my life. I can’t change people, but I can sure as hell change how people affect me, and how I allow those affectations to translate into my daily life. No more sadness from here on out, time to live the life I’ve always assumed was so far out of my grasp that I dared not to even dream of it. As I sit here, listening to the sounds of my angsty preteen days (back when I lived in my bedroom at my parent’s house, hours of my life behind that closed door with Queens of the Stone Age playing and an art project on the go), I am equal parts melancholic and relieved. I made it, and I made it here in large part on my own. They gave me the tools, but I built this person, this life, and this future. If they can’t be proud of that, then maybe I did make some sage decisions at a young age.

fuckin’ eh.

Also on my mind today, my lingering frustration over having had my running schedule all fucked up thanks to the deathcold that I’ve recently (knock on wood) slayed with the assistance of the better part of a week spent in bed with NyQuil and Fisherman’s Friend. I’m a week behind, I’m still stuffed up and coughing, and I feel like going out for a five miler tomorrow would be both an exercise in futility and a horrible setback for me. So, I’ve made an executive decision (trust, the non-executives aren’t thrilled), which is that I am putting the summer running challenge on hold until Vega and I are safe and sound in the 250. As much as the decision pains me, it also is the wise thing to do. I need to heal up and get to 100% for the move, and it isn’t fair nor productive for me to force myself to run when I am feeling shitty still. Underwhelming runs will only lead me to depression. So. The flipside of this is that I am also going to re-launch the challenge for those who’d like to run it with me – keep your eyes peeled for the official announcement of such in early July. Until then, I’m sticking with a shit ton of Yoga and some casual (short) runs (when my lungs clear up, I’m still hawking some gnarly loogies).

Yoga LOLz

Anywhore, that’s about where I’m at today. Still hurt and still hurting from last week’s loss, still reeling over the appropriate manner in which I should attempt relations with my family, still excited as fuck about Victoria. In short, I’m exactly where I should be – given that so much is about to change for the better, I firmly believe that it’s just the way of the world that in the meantime I’m preoccupied with the less than savory (and still open) wounds of my past. Vega and I are both works in progress, and it’s part of what I love the most about our relationship. Separately, we’re both two individuals with plenty of cracks; however, put us together, and we’re stronger than anything life can throw at us. It’s something I certainly don’t take for granted, and the reason why I want to work on my flaws. I want to be better, not only for myself, but for him – for us. The excess baggage of days long past isn’t something easy to cast aside, but I’m working on it; exactly the same way he’s working on himself, and precisely why we work together so damned well. I really want to start working seriously on my book when I get out to BC. I think the simple action of writing it out will help so immensely it makes me smile; and it finally, finally feels like I’m ready to start this life-long dream project of mine.

I foresee plenty of this in my future – writing is truly a challenge, even for the most talented writers.

For now my friends, I’m going to call this a post and go take a shower. Plenty to do tomorrow, and I hate going out with wet hair.

Gratuitous cute:

For now,

Wallace, out.

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“When forgiveness is what you won’t give; and help is what you won’t ask for, keep going.”

(note: the title of this post is taken from “Endure: A RunWomanShow,” which is a badass and beautiful piece of theatre written by my dear friend MJ and directed by my awesome friend…we’ll call him Brooklyn for blog purposes. If you can go see it, DO. I had the honor of crewing the show in Calgary and trust me, it is beyond worth your time to check it out.)

Miss ya, MJ. This would be MJ herself killing it, mid-show (photo courtesy of www.avenuecalgary.com).

Hello, blogosphere!

We’ve done it, made it through another week! Now it is time for blogging, beer and celebration of the weekend. You heard me correctly, weekend. As in, I am back on a (really really close to) normal person schedule of existence! Vega and I are sipping on a lovely Unibroue craft brew this evening, “La Fin Du Monde,” and it comes highly recommended by us both. Light and fizzy and deliciously spicy. Hell YEAH I’ll run for beer!

Probably my favorite from the headbands I got from BondiBands at the 2013 Scotiabank Marathon and Fitness Expo. Pardon the red face, this was directly following Wednesday’s speed work run. Also, BondiBands = made of win. They stay in place AND wick sweat AND come in obnoxious colors.

Anyways. We’re definitely coming up to crunchtime with the move out to BC. 20 days, or about 480 hours, or 37.75 miles/60.75 kilometres worth of training runs until we’re making our pilgrimage. Obviously, I’m a little wee bit excited. There isn’t really all that much left to do, either – but at the same time, Vega and I both are starting to feel the pressures of making this move a reality. Packing is pretty well taken care of, less a few small things and some of Vega’s recording studio equipment. Most of our stuff has been sold on the Kijiji-sphere (which reminds me, when I finish this article, I should repost some of the items that have gotten buried beneath other ads), so the house is slowly but surely becoming emptier and emptier. All that’s left is for me to go to my parents’ house next week (more on that in a little bit) to pick up some of my outlying shit, and for Vega to finalize his driver’s license stuff, then it’s just a matter of getting us, Visa and our stuff into the U-Haul and making the drive. I’m actually talking to Scissors about the whole thing right now, and it’s definitely putting this whole shebang into perspective for me. Lucky woman, this one – Victoria is fucking gorgeous and the perfect place for me and Vega to start laying down some roots. Did I mention that we’ll be by the water? In T-20 days? With the love of my life? And the best dog in the universe? The whole thing just makes me want to happy dance.

basically, this.

Since Tuesday, the week has been relatively low-key. Went for a glorious fartlek (hehehehe, fartlek) run on Wednesday (more on this week in running in a bit), then seen Brother W on Thursday for a little jaunt down by the river and some lunch eats and a gander at our favorite toy store. Today, slept in later than I intended to, made brekky then went running. Saw Brother W’s band this evening with Mr. Vega (they slayed it, by the way. Such a proud big sister), then made our way to the local liquor store for beer and boxes. Besides that, Vega and I have been watching “Penn and Teller’s BULLSHIT,” and (since we may or may not have downloaded all six seasons of it) “Bill Nye, The Science Guy.” Seriously, you guys – Bill Nye is still the shit. We were both expecting to get some campy nostalgic enjoyment out of it (which we indubitably have), but the show has held the fuck up for being all 90s and such. SCIENCE. SO MUCH SCIENCE. BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL!

If you are too young to understand this reference, you are likely too young to be reading this blog. Isn’t it your bedtime, anyways?

Anywhore, back to this week in running. It’s officially one week into my summer training plan – in which I scale back on mileage to work on form and pace – and I am happy to announce that as of today at 6:47pm, I have clocked 10.5 miles/16.9 kilometres this week. Not a hugely impressive amount of miles, really; however, the fact that I am able to once again focus on my beloved sport of choice from the perspective of a fully functional athlete is b-e-a-utiful. It’s taken me the better part of two years (since the KFP broke my rib, stairs are kinda evil, but nowhere near his level of malice) to heal my body (and my mind) enough to be able to run distances greater than a mile without excruciating pain in my right side. Before he fucked me up, I could run ten miles without too much thought. Now, I am exceedingly happy just to be healed enough to rebuild my regimen. I took for granted the ability to run, period. To be able to run long enough and hard enough to achieve that state of bliss where there is nothing in the world that matters besides my feet slapping the pavement – priceless.

There are some seriously gorgeous running pathways in Calgary, too – this one is on my top ten list.

The varied schedule seems to be working exactly how I want it to (again – looking at my sport from the athlete’s perspective again for the first time in a loooong time). Mondays are for maintenance runs, which are usually a mid-range distance that is run at a comfortable pace. I already waxed poetic about my Monday run this week, so we’ll move on to …

…Wednesdays. Wednesdays are for speed work, and this week’s speed work of choice was a fartlek run. Yeah, yeah, it’s a hilarious word – fartlek – Swedish, I believe, meaning “speed play”. On a fartlek run, you literally do just that, play with your speed – there are no given distances, but the jist of things is to run at varied speeds (from a slow jog to a sprint to a comfortable run pace and et cetera) for varied distances (i.e. to a stop sign, a light post, a block, et cetera) to keep the body guessing and to help you learn how to deal with rapid pace shifts (especially useful in regards to race training). I also make speed work runs slightly shorter than my maintenance runs, as they tend to particularly toast my legs. I digress. This week’s fartlek (hehehe) was exactly what I wanted it to be – short, grueling, and a negative split (that’s when you run the last half of your run faster than the first). It was HOT and sunny and beautiful outside, I had a hell of a badass playlist going, and by the time I got home I could barely stand – perfect. Speed work, check. Wednesday was a good day.


Thursday was rest day in the runoverse, so we’ll skip to today. Friday is long run day, and it isn’t just distance that’s affected in that regard. On long run day, I drop my pace by about a minute per mile.  I have come to the conclusion that it is not the longer distance that is the most difficult on long run day; rather, it is convincing yourself to maintain (what feels like) a(n excruciatingly) slow pace. I won’t lie, I wasn’t feeling particularly inspired to get out on the sidewalk this afternoon, but following a conversation with Mother Wallace (more on that in a bit), I was pretty much shaking with rage and frustration. Perfect motivation to get my ass a-movin’. Laced up, turned on my iPod, and off I went to attack 4 miles at a 14:30/mile pace. The weather was schizophrenic today, when I took off it was about 17 degrees and sunny and hot and muggy and still. This plus the slow burn of the rage I was feeling post-maternal contact made the first mile and a half nothing but “fuck you fuck you fuck you” with every step I took. I don’t think I actually heard a single song that was pumped through my earbuds that first leg of the run; rather, all I could hear was the (silent) screams I was unleashing on my dear Ma in my head. Then, the clouds started to roll in, and the wind picked up. Sweet relief, sweet sweet breeze on my sweaty skin. I calmed down a whole bunch after that, and the last two and a half miles flew by as I lost myself in the sounds of Animals as Leaders, the smell of the lilac trees that are now beginning to line the streets, the feeling of the constant cadence of my feet hitting the ground. I got some awesome thinking time in today and even got about a half mile in the light sprinkly rain – my favorite. I came home exhausted, sweaty, sore and at peace. There is magic in the long runs, particularly. There is something beautiful about the peace that comes along when there is nothing left in you but endorphins and adrenaline; when you’ve stopped giving into the little voice that reminds you how many more miles there are or how much your calves hurt, when you conquer the monkey brain and end up with silence. There is so much fulfillment to be had, and all you need is a pair of running shoes and the pavement. Seriously, the runner’s high is by far the cheapest one I’ve ever sought out and also the craziest one I’ve ever experienced.

Hell yes, they do.

Anyways. Back to the conversation with my Mother today/fact that I’ll be going to my parents’ house next week. Y’all know how I feel about my parents. I believe I have made that abundantly clear. One of the many, many methods which my Mother likes to employ to keep me coming back for more is to hold on to dear life to things which a) belong to me and b) I need to be a functional adult. Case in point: my birth certificate and social insurance card. Both of which you need to get your passport redone (which is especially prudent as I need my passport to go on vacation with Vega and his family in September…yeah you read that right – VACATION!), and both of which are a royal fucking pain in the ass to have reissued to you. She was supposed to have brought them to Brother W’s grad last week (big surprise, she didn’t), and is making it difficult for me to acquire them once and for all; ergo, I get the “pleasure” of returning to my childhood home on Tuesday to get my paperwork and some of my books and outlying shit that still resides at their place. I am so not looking forward to this I can’t even begin to express it here, but I am hoping for a quick (aka under thirty minute) excursion with as little speaking as humanly possible. Luckily, this should conclude my necessary communication with her for the foreseeable future. It’s a damn shame that this is where our relationship has come to be; however, it feels pretty awesome to be at a point where I can laugh at it all (well, mostly). Even Vega’s noticed a shift in how much she and my father affect me these days, and while it is yet to be something I would categorize as easy to do/deal with/live with, it is a much superior way to feel compared to the shut down/lay in bed with a pint of ben and jerry’s/cry for a week method of coping I was using up until my triumphant return to the 403. I literally give so few fucks about the situation that it is barely a situation anymore (unless I turn up on Tuesday and my paperwork is MIA…then we’ll have a situation to deal with, namely Mia going BATSHIT). Hopefully though, she’ll actually be good to her word and we’ll all get out of this (relatively) unscathed.


Tying this all together, I’d like to call your attention back to the quote I titled this post with. “When forgiveness is what you won’t give; and help is what you won’t ask for, keep going.” A year ago, I was drowning (metaphorically, that is – it would be a royal fucking shame for a NLS certified lifeguard to drown), in both the weight of the anger I was carrying around (at my Mother, at the KFP, at Sunshine, and et cetera) and the refusal to ask for any kind of assistance. There was a point directly before my 22nd birthday where I had legitimately given up. On everything. I didn’t give enough of a fuck to even try to see the light. Then, Sunshine’s mom made a crack at me one day about how lazy I was and how it was starting to show (a reference to the way my lululemons were (at that point) fitting a little snug). That same day, I got into a massive fight with Sunshine, and with his mom’s words still ringing in my ears, I went for the first run I’d been on since September of the year prior. I remember the relief, the massive weight I felt lift off of my shoulders. If I wasn’t living for myself, I’d live for running. And so it all began. I am a stubborn woman, definitely my father’s daughter. I neither give forgiveness away with ease nor ask for help without grief. That said, I also refuse to give up, leaving me with but one option: keep going.

…it’s just really, really hard to see that when you’re standing at your lowest point.

I suppose that MJ probably meant something slightly different with that part of the monologue in particular; however, it’s been ringing in my ears since I hung up the phone with my mom today. I don’t know for sure, but I am pretty comfortable in ascertaining that running has been my life raft through the shitty reality that is dealing with my past. I’ve gotten better at asking for help – I’ve leaned more heavily on Vega than I have on pretty much anybody else in my life ever before – but unfortunately, there are things in my own head that he simply can’t fix for me. That said, he too encourages me to keep going when I think I can’t, and I think he’s one of the few who understand the mental gains I’m seeing through running. Prior to today, I never thought I would forgive my mother. Somewhere around mile 3 today, I truly believe I did. Forgiveness, the one thing I thought I could never give to her, is hers for the taking. It isn’t worth being pissed at her for the rest of my life if she isn’t a part of it anymore. That’s probably been your overwhelming reaction to the majority of my posts about her, dear readers, but it’s a new and welcome realization for me. And help? That thing I wouldn’t ask for? Turns out the rope I needed to pull me out of the blue and into the black was the simple act of – you guessed it – me time, pavement style. Keep going. Right in front of left in front of right in front of left. Somewhere along the path there is clarity and there is peace. Much like a long run, this is usually found only after more pain and more difficulty and more sweat and more miles than you want or think you deserve. Keep going.

At the end of the day, every single bad thing that has ever been done/happened to me in my life is now kindling for my fire. I call it up on the bad days, let it burn hot and fast as fuel on my runs..and then, it’s gone.
(side note: the superfluous “s” on the end of strength is going to drive me batty; however, I am far too lazy to make my own gif)

Apparently I was in the mood to write it out tonight. I feel better seeing the thoughts that usually fill my head instead filling up my blog – it’s easy to think you’re crazy, much more of an art to instead pour it out on paper (or, y’know, the internet..potato, potahto) and start to realize that it’s not always you who is the insane one in question. We’re almost halfway through the year and I am starting to see major progress in my BHAG – mental health and physical health are both well underway to being in check. Sometimes I forget where I started, which makes it especially difficult to see how far I’ve come. Don’t get me wrong, I have a long way to go (there is still a lot of kindling for me to light – lots to mull over and plenty to write about), but I am lightyears from the starting line. It’s a mindfuck, to say the least.

We ain’t in Kansas no more, Toto.

I am a lucky, happy, excited girl. I could go on forever about it (and sometimes I feel like I do), and it’s double amazing that I get to live for the rest of my life feeling this way. I have the love of my life, the Poochie Fantastico, and some amazing friends surrounding me – definite turnaround from what I am used to (i.e. my loser exes, both friends and romantic interests, my less than supportive blood family, and et cetera). I have a newfound respect for myself (i.e. massive strides in recovery, major steps forward in training, I do this weird thing called smiling all the time), and I’m starting to feel it all falling into place. Life’s good. Actually, Vega’s making homemade onion rings right now, so life is great. I am so happy today about simply being alive that I don’t really know what to do with it at all.

I feel like this guy. All. The. Time.

Vega thinks it’s cute that I get so excited about things, and I take that as the hugest, most wonderful compliment. I remember a time when even bacon didn’t excite me (BACON. I KNOW). However, my love, that is an oversimplification. I am excited about Victoria, but that isn’t really the thing that makes me jitter with glee and anticipation. Truth is, it’s just easier for me to focus all the happy-happy-joy-joy I feel about our life (even if nothing were to change, I am beyond the happiest camper in the world with our day-to-day exactly as is – I have everything I could ever want or need as long as we’re together!) into one particular(ly badass upcoming) event. Honestly, I feel that you and I have won at life, Vega. Everything from here on out is simply icing on the proverbial (gluten, dairy, and grain free) cake. I love you, my love; and I love our life, and our future. How I got so lucky, I will never know. That said, I don’t particularly care to know the how’s or the why’s – life needs a little bit of magic and random happenstance.

If you don’t get this reference, you’re definitely too young to be reading this here blog.

Anyways, this post has gone on for long enough, there are onion rings for me to eat, and I need t0 devote some time to stretching my calves.

Gratuitous cute:

More when there’s more to be said.

Wallace, out


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Blog Updates + Where I’m At This Week + Things I Am Looking Forward To

Hello Blogoverse!

Happy Tuesday to you all! If your schedule looks anything like mine, right now you are on the couch, still in pyjamas, cup of coffee in hand and DOMS laden from yesterday’s maintenance run. I love rest days.

Add a cup of java and that’s me in a nutshell today.

Anyways – just thought I’d take a second to point out the shiny new “Music To My Ears” section – as per Cinderella’s request, I’ll be listing my running playlists here from now on, as well as links to the videos on YouTube. No judging my exceptional taste in music, pleaseandthankyou. I’ll also take requests, like the top 5 list I made up for Spinny a few months ago. You’re welcome.

Also along that tangent, I’d like to remind you all about the running challenge I’ve got going on. So far, two brave souls have opted in to do this with me (WOOP WOOP!) Yesterday was the official start date for the challenge, 3.5 miles – maintenance, and I got mine done like dinner (playlist to be uploaded post blog entry). It was a beautiful and perfect evening for a run – not quite raining, heavy foggy mist lingering in the air, cool but not cold, no wind whatsoever.. It took me what felt like forever to warm up; however, once I hit my stride, overwhelming peace ensued. It was one of those “completely lost in my head” kinds of runs, and I was happy with my pace, overall time, and the awesome high I ended up with. Yay, endorphins!

Because they’re jogging, Philosoraptor. Have you ever heard of a “jogger’s high”? No. No, you haven’t. Run it fast, reap the rewards.

Anywhore. Brother W’s high school graduation ceremony was last Friday. Mr. Vega and I got all dressed up, then made our way to the Stampede Grounds to watch him cross the stage. Whoever coordinated this affair grossly underestimated the number of people who would be attending, which was fine by me and Vega, but garnered some scathing remarks from the general public. Truth be told, we pretty much sat outside and smoked up to B. Wallace’s turn to grab his diploma. Following the ceremony, we found B. Wallace, who was there with Little Lady and Mother Wallace and Father Wallace. My mother didn’t smile ONCE, my father seemed preoccupied with making sure that Mother didn’t make a spectacle, and Little Lady and B. Wallace were just happy to say hello to Vega and I, despite the super awkward “Let’s Meet Mia’s Parents” scenario. I am more than happy to have been there for B. Wallace – mother had been trying to convince him that I wouldn’t actually be there, and he seemed more than thrilled that I was – but I tell ya, there is little in this world more embarrassing or painful than trying to relate to my parents on a level plane, particularly in a social setting, and even moreso when introducing them to my fiancé.

My $0.02 is that it’s a fucking royal pity that they choose to cling to the past as they do. I fucked up and I apologized and I moved on with my life (without them, seeing as all of my apologies, to them, null and void), they fucked up and they deny it and they remain in the depths of yesterdays long gone. My mother should have been thrilled – she watched her son graduate and was meeting her future son-in-law and couldn’t crack a fucking smile? My father makes me even more morose to think about, as he is to this day my hero; and yet, I am more disappointed in  him than anybody else on the face of the Earth. I wish I still had a good relationship with my dad – I miss our endless conversations about books and sci fi and life in general – but I resent him deeply, and as much as it kills me to feel that way about somebody I love as much as I do my dad, I love myself more. Too much of my life was spent trying to make him and my mother proud of me, and seeing them Friday was truly the best reminder and affirmation of why the separation from them is the best thing possible for me at this juncture in my life. Vega and I had a funny encounter with someone who also had dealt with my mother’s claws recently – further proof that I  am not insane. Sad truth that I am not insane, that she is in fact as abrasive as my memories of her tend to be. Not my loss, not anymore. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised at how unscathed (100% thanks to Vega) I walked away from that whole encounter.

Unscathed enough to enjoy a beer and a burger at the Ship with my (unbelievably dashing in a suit) love after the whole thing was over and done with. This is big for me. Usually, the only thing I can find it in myself to ingest following time spent in the presence of my folks is a heavy dose of insecurity served with a side dish of manic depression and a cocaine chaser. This, my friends, is progress.

Amen to that, Grohl.

Saturday and Sunday were both busy and exciting and cray cray  to the extreme. Saturday was a double show day with the Endure crew, and a beautiful day to boot. By the time I got home, I was exhausted and elated and passed the fuck out rather promptly following food on the couch in Vega’s lap. Sunday was closing night, crazy and sold out and a fun crowd. Bawled my eyes out at the end with MJ, then we all went out for food and drinks and celebration. I have some potentially amazingly exciting news on that front, but since I don’t like to count my chickens before they hatch I’m going to leave that one as a cliffhanger for now with a side of HOLY FUCKING BIG OPPORTUNITY. Regardless, I am so grateful to G for getting me onto the Endure train – it’s done me a world of good, from being surrounded with such amazing people, to getting to dip my toes back into the arts, to adding more kindling to the running fever I’ve got rocking.

As far as today goes, I slept in, woke up around 2 in the afternoon with Poochie Fantastico licking my feet (seriously dog, you are bizarre and I love you for it) and the smell of cigarettes and coffee. Hauled my lazy bones outta the bed, had coffee and a smoke, slowly started to wake up over BuzzFeed and ISFP. Got the laundry done and put away, went for a quick walk around the block with Vega, made brekky, and consumed another two cups of coffee while reading the news. As of now, I’ve been listening to tunes and blogging for the past hour and a half, and coffee has been replaced by a Tree Brewing Co. Cutthroat Pale Ale (delicious delicious Tree Beers). This evening will be spent watching old school cartoons (SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS, THE MAGIC FREAKIN SCHOOLBUS IS ON NETFLIX) with Vega on the couch with my old friend Mary Jane and more beers. Kickin’ it low gear and resting up sounds just about perfect to me..especially when Miss Frizzle is a part of the equation!

Besides being inordinately excited over the influx of cartoons from my childhood that are now available on Netflix, I can pretty much barely contain my glee over the fact that there are but 23 days separating us from the coast. Besides getting the rest of my identification paperwork back from my parents and trying to get a few more items sold on Kijiji, my work in Calgary is done. I can’t believe that it’s already June, and I think it’s starting to hit Vega pretty hard that the move is coming up so soon, too. I can’t speak for my lovely love, but I’m really, really excited to finally close this chapter in my life. Calgary hasn’t been all bad – but it’s definitely just not where I belong anymore. The idea of leaving my past – truly leaving this city and the memories and the baggage and the bullshit – leaves me with the most fantastic feeling of freedom. In fact, the whole trajectory my life is taking these days makes me feel free. I can’t really put it into words, but it’s overwhelming and awesome and so much more than I think I deserve sometimes.

Anyways, I’m going to wrap this one up here. Playlist to follow, and of course, more ramblings when there is more for me to ramble on about.

Gratuitous cute:

Wallace, out.

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The Return of Nocturnal Tendencies + CONTEST! + A Few Requested Playlists

Hello, readers!

It’s 10:24pm, and I have officially been awake for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Vega and I both apparently needed a “mini-hibernation,” so we both succumbed to a thirteen and a half hour snooze and woke up this evening feeling refreshed and more than well rested. All things considered, it really isn’t that big of a deal–we’re going to be attacking the Kijiji-realm and posting the last few odds and ends we haven’t listed yet, Vega’s got some work to do, I have an early morning run planned, and we’ll be visiting my old workplace tomorrow afternoon to figure out our U-Haul rental for the move. In the words of Sheen, “winning.”

The only downside to the long ass sleep was the onset of some pretty nasty nightmares. I really, really hope that my psyche figures its shit out soon here. There really are only so many nights of this that I can take. On the plus side, I managed to sleep through these ones – on the negative, I remember them pretty vividly. I’m trying not to put too much stock into them, which is made infinitely easier by the fact that when I wake up shaken, the first thing I see when I roll over is the face of my lovely man (and I always get the best snuggles from him, so that makes things easier too). Not much I can do about them scary dreams other than let them work their way through my brain. Hopefully I’ll be saying sayonara to them forever when we make it to the coast – I feel like a lot of this is coming from just being in Calgary. There’s plenty of old ghosts in this city, and I can’t wait to leave them all behind.

Anywhore. Besides being excited about the move, I’m excited about the new training plan I’ve put together for myself for June and the first 2 weeks of July. The distances aren’t anything impressive, but I want to work on my form and increase my pace, so I’ve decided to start small and work my way back up. Id been planning on starting it this week; however, with Endure and Brother’s grad, I’ve made the executive decision to push it back a week and spend this week working on hills and intervals. Regardless, the plan looks like this:

Monday, June 3: maintenance run (3.5 miles/5.63 kilometres)
Wednesday, June 5: fartlek run (3 miles/4.83 kilometres)
Friday, June 7: long run (4 miles/6.44 kilometres)
Total Weekly Distance: 10.5 miles/16.9 kilometres

WEEK 2: JUNE 10-JUNE 16 Monday, June 10: maintenance run (4 miles/6.44 kilometres)
Wednesday, June 12: fartlek run (3.25 miles/5.23 kilometres)
Friday, June 14: long run (5 miles/8.05 kilometres)
Total Weekly Distance: 12.25 miles/19.71 kilometres

Monday, June 17:
maintenance run (4 miles/6.44 kilometres)
Wednesday, June 19: fartlek run (3 miles/4.83 kilometres)
Friday, June 21: long run (4 miles/6.44 kilometres)
Total Weekly Distance: 11 miles/17.7 kilometres

Monday, June 24:
maintenance run (5 miles/8.05 kilometres)
Wednesday, June 26: cadence drills (3.5 miles/5.63 kilometres)
Friday, June 28: long run (6 miles/9.66 kilometres)
Total Weekly Distance: 14.5 miles/23.34 kilometres

Monday, July 1:
maintenance run (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometres)
Wednesday, July 3: interval work (3 miles/4.83 kilometres)
Friday, July 5: long run (4 miles/6.44 kilometres)
Total Weekly Distance: 12.5 miles/20.12 kilometres

Monday, July 8:
maintenance run (6 miles/9.66 kilometres)
Wednesday, July 10: tempo run (3.5 miles/5.63 kilometres)
Friday, July 12: long run (7 miles/11.27 kilometres)
Total Weekly Distance: 16.5 miles/26.65 kilometres

Miles Run: 77.25
Kilometres Run: 124.32

Considering that come week 5, I’ll be running next to the water in beautiful Victoria, I anticipate myself having a hard time sticking to the plan, especially on 3 mile days. That said, there is a method to my madness, and I’m hoping to see an increase in my comfortable mile pace by the end of this summer kickstarter plan.

Anybody want to join me? Hell, if I can get a group together, I might even be able to get a contest going and send out prizes to those readers who keep up and get ‘er done with me by July 12th! Any takers? If you’re interested, drop me a line (my email is in the “Contact” dropdown menu) with the subject “RUN FORREST RUN!” Prizes TBA. Feeling like a badass, guaranteed.

You know you wannnnnnaaaaa!

Since we’re on the topic of running, I wanted to take a few minutes and address a question posed to me by one of my dearest friends, (we’ll call her Cinderella for blogosphere purposes) regarding what music I listen to when I run. I’m going to list 3 of my favorite playlists here, then start a dropdown menu for quick reference purposes. I have literally hundreds of assorted playlists for different moods and different types of runs, but here’s a few to get you started, Cinderella 🙂

The “Zone Out on a Bad Day” Playlist:
(note: this one gets used a lot on maintenance run days, turn on, tune out, enjoy the Zen-like bliss I get when I hit my stride)

The “I Have No Idea What I Want To Listen To” Playlist
(note: this one is my fallback on hill run days – the combination of dubstep, rap and alternative music keeps things upbeat and makes me feel like a badass)

The “Rock It Out” Playlist
(note: this one is my favorite for long runs – good balance of high energy tracks to get me moving, slower alternative rock for the slower miles, and a few angrier tunes for when the going gets tough)

On that note, I’m off to go and get my Kijiji on. I have another post in the works, you can expect that a little later on. Until then,

Wallace, out.



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Extended Hiatus (on Mia-Terms) Over! (or, “Damn You, Nightmares!”)

Hello blogosphere, happy Monday to you all!

Hopefully the weather wherever you may be is more savory than Calgary’s second-coming-of-Winter that seems to be going on. So frustrating, but what’s an Alberta girl to do? I suppose I should be used to massive dumps of snow (my least favorite 4-letter word, seriously) in the middle of what is supposed to be springtime. Inhale, exhale, focus on Victoria. Sorry prairies, you’ve been a slice, but I’m definitely a coastal girl at heart. More on that in a bit.

THREE MONTH (and a week) BLOGOSPHERE UPDATE–as of 8:07am 04/15/2015, we’re up to 3,293 unique page visitors; 193 comments, and 1 unspeakably excited blogmistress. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ❤ I am humbled and amazed! 😀

Anyways. It’s been a good ten days–my apologies for going MIA (ha! see what I did there?!) on y’all, I’ve just been preoccupied. I am sad to report that since the PR run that was the makings of my last post, I haven’t made it out to hit the pavement since. See aforementioned grumblings vis a vis 2nd coming of winter. Regardless, I have stayed true to my personal goal of 6 workouts/week, 4 hours yoga/week, and am sloooowly seeing results. Not much in the way of inches lost yet or anything, but I feel much more like my usual bright bubbly DOMS laden self. There is a lot to be said for sweating hard once (or twice, if there’s sexy time involved hehe) per day. I’ve also been eating a lot freakin’ better–takes some willpower (and yes, there have been a few cheats–I’m not on a W30 right now, so sue me–I’m talking to you, delicious sushi and frighteningly tasty Reese’s ice-cream), but the general lowering of my consumption of dairy and grains has meant that (knock on wood) I haven’t had a flare since I’ve been back in the 403. Praise Jeebus and all that jazz. Besides the ridiculous circuit/tabata/boxing/yoga I’ve been doing, Vega and I have been making time for lots of Battlestar  (let me just take a minute to say that I AM DYING OVER THIS FINAL FIVE THING. SERIOUSLY. GUH.), and Dexter, and cooking some ah-mazing food (recipes to come sometime this week when I get off my lazy ass (actually, when I make more time to sit on it hehe) and download the pics so that y’all have visuals as well as instructions. We also celebrated Chef’s birthday on Saturday evening with Veggie over some UFC fights (YEAH FABER) at a casino. It’s nice to have good friends–they’re both really growing on me, and I’m going to miss them a ton when we move. Good news, of course, being that we still have a few months to make even more awesome memories–it’s so comforting, having good things that I will remember in Calgary, rather than feeling nothing but doom when I inevitably think on my hometown.

I digress. This morning started much, much earlier than I had anticipated. Vega and I went to sleep around 2:45am, and I was exhausted. It was a weird sleep I had–one of those “pretty sure I was dreaming about tossing and turning” kind of nights, I am sure I slept because I definitely sprung awake (much less tired, but not well-rested..grumble grumble)–and I laid there from about 6 until 6:30 doing my damndest to get my eyes to take me back to sleepytown. No such luck, so I hauled myself to the living room, had a smoke, and cuddled with the puppy while reading the new posts on the Whole9 forum. Finally got through the unread ones, decided it was coffee time, ground some organic, fair trade dark roast beans (yeah yeah yeah, I’m one of them hippies. I know. Soon I’ll be where I belong with my hippie of a handsome guy 🙂 ), and here I am. There really is very little better than a good strong cup of coffee and a cigarette in the morning–and I must say, my visceral hatred of the morning is slowly fading as I grow older. I’m learning to enjoy the peacefulness of the day breaking (and it’s nice to have a little me time. Love you, Vega, but I feel super-guilty writing blog posts when we are snuggling on the couch. It’s also near impossible to think clearly enough when Beta is in the room–nothing against her, but a) I don’t want her finding my blog, and b) she’s 19 and has the conversational energy of a nineteen year old. Too many thoughts end up floating around). Right now, my situation is a good one–hot coffee, sleeping pooch beside me, Monday blues nowhere to be seen… Hmm. A half year ago I wouldn’t have recognized this person. I missed this side of me. I keep re-introducing these long forgotten facets of myself back into everyday Mia-existence. It is freakin’ lovely, as I’d convinced myself that these parts of me had packed up and moved away a long, long time ago.

Before I move too far away from the tangent of sleep, that seems to be the one thing I am having the hardest time “fixing” (in the same way I am “fixing” my diet and exercise). In the last 2 weeks, Vega and I have done better in the way of actually going to bed (fewer although not none in regards to all-nighters), but it seems that even when I am just pooched and should theoretically be sleeping like a rock, that I’ve been having bouts of the worst nightmares known to man/womankind. They’re so vivid, so bizarre, and so unsettling…ugh. The only conjecture I have on the matter is that I’m processing things on a subconscious level–my conscious is for the most part at peace these days–and Vega took it a step further to add that it probably has something to do with me truly realizing that I am safe and I am loved, and coming to grips with that, too. Whatever it is, I hope to kill it off with the assistance of the aforementioned workouts, eating, and LOVE (I am so loved, it blows my wee brain)–and hope that if nothing else, maybe I will get a good cry in one of these days and just physically let it all go. I’d really prefer to not have to resort to the latter (I really, really hate crying–although mead and ridiculous conversations with Vega seem to drag it out of me), but perhaps the urge will strike and I’ll just get it out of my system. Alternately, I can also see a hysterical Mia-style laughter-out-of-fucking-nowehere-for-45-minutes session as a potential release. It is unfortunate one cannot force these things, as I’d also get a killer workout from the giggle-fest. 🙂 Grieving one’s past is a strange and liberating experience.

Anywhore. A  little over an hour and my Vega will be waking for the day. Is it pathetic that I miss him terribly right now (even though he’s under the same roof, sleeping soundly in the bed I was in with him less than two hours ago)? No matter, it’s the truth, and I am revelling in it. Absolutely wallowing in the depths of the love I have for that perfect-for-me-man. Going back to the first bit of this post, 99.99999% of why I’m so excited about Victoria has to do with Vincent and I. We are flourishing so much already–every day that goes by, we learn more about each other, grow closer, make new memories, come up with bigger and better goals and dreams for the future–our future. It’s truly overwhelming to have found the person who makes me whole – and we’re really just beginning. As the days and weeks go by and the move draws nearer, it’s becoming clearer and clearer to me that when you do what you’re supposed to be doing, things tend to work out as they should. In the beginnings of our relationship, I had nothing but doubt coming from my few friends who bother to give me their $0.02 on my life. The number of times I heard that we moved too fast, or that I was acting on impulse, or that I was going to invariably get hurt if I moved from the 506 to the 403 to be with Vega…well, let’s just say that upon seeing/talking to me now, none of them have anything left to say–in fact, most of them are quite literally speechless–and it’s great, quite frankly. Nothing is as simple as it seems; however, sometimes you just have to go with your gut. Mine seems to make some pretty wise choices (so does Mr. Vega’s). I’m so so so excited for the summer–excited to move (hopefully for the last time in a while! haha), to meet Vega’s family, to find our corner of the universe together in the 250! I’m excited about the weather, and about being by the water, and about exploring new neighbourhoods, and restaurants, and making new friends. I’m excited about the unknown–and I’m excited by what I know for sure; that is, the prospect of starting to put down roots somewhere beautiful with my fiancé and our pup and overwhelming amounts of positivity and love and happiness (and, of course, good food). To anybody who doesn’t know me, this probably reads like the diary of a madwoman. Perhaps I am mad–was it Twain who said that the best of us always are?

Speaking of authors, I am starting a new read when I wrap up this post here. Vega’s lent me “A Game Of Thrones,” by George R. R. Martin. I’ve been meaning to get in on this series for a long while now (and I haven’t watched the TV show yet, so shh! No spoilers!), and I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into a good book. Have I mentioned yet how excited I am that I’ll be able to read by the water again soon? And do yoga by the water? And run by the water…? The list goes on, but long story short, all good things in life are made better when done by the water. True fact. Also true fact–this will be a reality in what really is a matter of weeks. I should really get a move on the whole Kijiji-selling-of-things. Maybe today after my workout. We’ll see.

Today should be a continuation on the positive-vibes theme, methinks. I’m already 2 cups of coffee into the day, have a killer boxing circuit and some kundalini yoga planned for mid-morning (after brekky with my love, natch), and besides vacuuming and a possible grocery run later in the day, all I have planned is pooch snuggles on the couch with the aforementioned read o’the week–no better way to spend a snow day. Taking it easy, one day at a time–trying to find that balance I’m always talking about–I’m pretty sure my Nirvana lies somewhere between Vega, Visa, and Vinyasa.

For now, I have exhausted my rambling muscles. Expect recipes (and hopefully, less of these ten day hiatuses) very, very soon.

Wallace, out.



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