Tag Archives: pork

Overdue Update + A Roadtrip Pictorial

Hello Blogoverse!

Happy Thursday to you all! I apologize for my lapse in regular posting; between getting settled in our new place and getting to know my future in-laws, it’s been a crazy few days! I hope the week has been treating y’all right so far. If not, here’s some gratuitous cute to make you smile!


Anywhore, I’m sure y’all are chomping at the bit for details on the adventure out to the 250! On Friday of last week, Vega and I picked up the U-Haul in the morning, got some Wendy’s, and (after nomming, natch) got the majority of our belongings packed up and ready to go.


We didn’t even have this guy halfway full. Gotta love the freedom that comes with purging a whole bunch of stuff!

In the evening, Veggie, Chef and Mouth came by to have a beer and to say our final goodbyes, which was lovely and (as always) lots of fun. We sat on the floor pow-wow style and sipped Oatmeal Stout, and there was plenty of laughter and good memory making and gratitude for the amazing friends and good times that the five of us had together in the 403. I’m pretty exceptionally lucky that way – the good folks in my life are truly the very best.


Counter-clockwise from bottom: Mia, Vega, Visa, Veggie, Chef, and Mouth

Saturday morning, we woke up, had a coffee, and got a serious move on. Once everything was loaded into the U-Haul, we said our goodbyes to the old house, Visa enjoyed one last stint in his favorite patch of weeds (ahem, flowers…)…

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Soakin’ up some UV rays

…and we were on our way! We hit the road shortly after noon, which put us way ahead of our initial schedule.

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The drive was surprisingly straightforward – we’d been bracing ourselves for terrible traffic – between the flooding in Calgary and the fact that it was Canada Day long weekend, we’d anticipated a long haul; however, the only bit of traffic we encountered was in Canmore, and even that was only about a half hour delay.

BC Bound '13 030

“Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies/
Fully loaded, we got snacks and supplies/
It’s time to leave this town/
It’s time to fade away/
Let’s go get lost in BRITISH COLUMBI-A!”

We had a great time taking and laughing and bullshitting about the future, Vega and I. It never ceases to amaze me how we always seem to be able to talk for hours on end – I suppose that’s one of the many, many major perks of being engaged to your best friend. When words became thin, we’d pass the time listening to metal and enjoying the scenery. If you’ve never made the drive from Calgary to Vancouver, do it. It’s simply STUNNING.

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We live in such a gorgeous world. Salmon Arm, BC


We made it to Kelowna and pulled over for some food and to let Poochie Fantastico go pee, then it was back on the road to Vancouver underneath the gorgeous sunset. It was truly beyond beautiful, the skies looked like something from a watercolour painting.

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We made it to Vancouver around midnight, and having missed the last ferry out to Victoria by a mere two hours, we decided to cruise Tsawassen for a potential pet-friendly hotel for the evening. Following a slight GPS snafu (Google Maps decided that we wanted to cross the border into the USA, so we had a rather hilarious encounter with a rather confused border guard), we established that there was no such available hotel room, so we parked the U-Haul and passed out (well..) for a couple of hours (note: it is bloody near impossible to get comfortable in a 10′ U-Haul). We woke up at quarter to five in the morning, and by 5:15, we were watching the sunrise in Tsawassen and en route to the ferry.

Good way to start a morning!

Good way to start a morning!

A few minutes later, we were the first vehicle in line to board the 7:00 boat. We were dying for caffeine and food, so we promptly found Starbucks and got some Venti dark roasts and bagels with cream cheese.

Coffee coffee coffee coffee. And a very tired (albeit excited as fuck) Wallace.

Coffee coffee coffee coffee. And a very tired (albeit excited as fuck) Wallace.

Before I knew it, we were on board the M.V. Spirit of British Columbia, pulling away from Tsawassen and making our way towards Victoria.

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The ferry ride is always one of my favorite parts of the trip – it’s just so peaceful and pretty, watching the scenery and the birds.

I'm a sucker for the blue skies and the blue ocean and the smell of the salty ocean air.

I’m a sucker for the blue skies and the blue ocean and the smell of the salty ocean air.


Naught but three cigarettes later, it was time to disembark – we’d actually MADE IT to the island. Lots of “WOOHOO”-ing and excited smiles ensued.




A half hour drive later, we’d arrived at View Royal, where mama and papa Vega’s house is. You guys, this place is off the damn chain.

This is looking up towards the house from the dock. INSANELY gorgeous; both the house, and the surrounding landscape.

This is looking up towards the house from the dock. INSANELY gorgeous; both the house, and the surrounding landscape.

We unloaded the U-Haul in less than half an hour with papa Vega’s help, then enjoyed a beer (or three) on (one of) the patio(s) underneath the sunshine.

Patio, beers, cigarettes. Perfection.

Patio, beers, cigarettes. Perfection.

A few hours later, we were passing out in our chairs, so we took a short nap before having dinner with Vega’s parents and his baby brother. We had a fantastic meal (Thai food = nomnomnomnom), chatted for a while after the sun had gone down, then called it a night. I don’t remember the last time I passed out that hard! The next morning, Canada Day, I woke up in a semi-confused state of “where the fuck am I? Was that all a dream?” before looking out the window and seeing this:

I live in paradise, fo'rillz.

I live in paradise, fo’rillz.

…which was basically the most amazing reaffirmation that this is, in fact, my life. I’m a lucky, lucky girl. Anyways. After a coffee,

coffee coffee coffee coffee.

coffee coffee coffee coffee.

we went and returned the U-Haul, then came home and enjoyed good conversation with mama and papa V before heading out to the 4-Mile Pub for a lovely little date night and a nummy meal.

That's a mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette + a chicken, avocado, tomato, edam, and garlic aioli on focaccia sandwich. A+ meal. A++ dinner company (Vega, natch)!

That’s a mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette + a chicken, avocado, tomato, edam, and garlic aioli on focaccia sandwich. A+ meal. A++ dinner company (Vega, natch)!

Then, we came home and watched the sunset over the water and reveled in our new surroundings.

Pictures just don't do this place justice.

Pictures just don’t do this place justice.

We fell asleep happy and buzzed from the sunshine and the beer. The next day, my 23rd birthday, we woke up to a gorgeous, sunny, hot morning. Vega and I had a smoke and a coffee, then he had to resume his usual working days. I capitalized on the heat and the solitude by heading out to the dock armed with cigarettes, a book, and my iPhone (music, natch), and spent 5.5 hours sunning myself and napping intermittently.

Best possible way to celebrate another year alive.

Best possible way to celebrate another year alive.

I also got a lovely card from my lovely love, and a lovely card from my future in-laws:

Meep <3 so loved.


When the workday was over, Vega, mama Vega and I headed down to the 4-Mile for a birthday dinner (this time, crab cake salad – which I hoovered before I remembered to snap a picture. Oops), then we came home and read in bed (note: Damned by Palinhuk. Hilarious) before passing out, sun-baked, full, and all smiles.

Unrelated photo! I also painted my toenails and wore my new summer kicks. Gratuitous shoe porn > pictures of my in my jammies!

Unrelated photo! I also painted my toenails and wore my new summer kicks. Gratuitous shoe porn > pictures of me in my jammies!

Yesterday was a repeat of Tuesday, I basically did nothing but suntan all day long. I am getting browner by the day, which Vega seems to enjoy (possibly more than I do haha!). We had dinner, then went to Superstore for necessities (pork, eggs, coconut milk, oils, spices, coffee press, pot, pan, forks, knives, spoons…). Got home, unpacked, then went on a quest for beer, which we enjoyed on the porch. We were enjoying some downtime in our suite, when my mother pulled one of her infamous passive aggressive moves on me. I’m not proud of it, but I cried for a long while on Vega’s shoulder before realizing that she’s really only lashing out at me because she’s jealous. It’s pathetic, really, but there’s nothing I can do about her behaviour. Hell, I’d be jealous of me, too. I ROCK a bikini like no one’s business.

The most skin you'll ever see from me on EIB22. I <3 my itsy bitsy teeny weeny pink and white and black bikini!

The most skin you’ll ever see from me on EIB22. I love my itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, pink and white and black bikini 🙂


Today, I woke up with Vega, he went to work, and I made brekky (eggs and yam hash, standard fare), which we enjoyed together. I then put our clothes away, took a shower, and had coffee on the deck. Then, a good friend of mine who happened to be on the island came by with her kiddos, and we enjoyed a good laugh and swapped some stories on the dock. It was great to see them! When they’d gone, I popped dinner in the oven (pork roast, roasted eggplant and red cabbage coleslaw) and started this post. Before I knew it, two hours had gone by, dinner was ready to mow down on, and Vega was finished work for the day. We nomnomnommed and then enjoyed a smoke and a beer on the dock. Now, I’m here. I’m right where I am supposed to be, and I couldn’t be happier. We’re debating the possibility of a walk with Visa before bedtime. I’m uncertain as of this moment whether we’ll be accomplishing that, or continuing the trend of sipping craft beer and being lazy.

I didn’t take pictures today. So this little segue sentence will have to placate you.

Anywhore, that’s pretty much everything that’s gone down in the last few days. We’re elated and still adjusting to our new surroundings, but from what I can garner, this was the right choice for the two (three including Visa) of us. Life’s good. Island time is brilliant. My new hometown is spectacular.

I still wake up and have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. If you would have told me a year ago that this is where life would take me, I’d have laughed in your face.

Anywho, I’m going to call this a post and go snuggle with my handsome man.

Gratuitous cute:

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For now,

Wallace (and her tan lines), out.





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Rain, Rehearsals, Running and Such

Happy (early) Friday morning, blogosphere!

Another week down! Happy dance time 🙂

I’m technically celebrating the weekend a touch early, as I get mine on Monday and Tuesday, but whaaaaatever. The past two days have been awesome and happy-making and exciting and busy as hell – I missed working, and I especially missed working in the theatre scene. More on that in a minute. Possibly the most exciting part of this week has been seeing a whole schwack of stuff moving out of the house in exchange for cash which is going towards funding the move. The emptier the place gets, the more excited Vega and I get – and it’s getting pretty empty in here! We’re in the home stretch now – a mere 35 days (or 5 weeks, or 840 odd hours) and we’ll be saying buh-bye to Calgary and hello to the coast.

Okay, so technically I can’t frolic all the way to the island, but this definitely captures my feelings about the move!

Anywhore. It’s been a treat getting to work on the show with some old friends and a brilliant, different kind of theatre. Basically, I get to walk/jog 10k every day, I’m a small part of the cast (like teeny tiny itty bitty, but still), I get to flex my tech theatre muscles, and today we played with Lego in the pursuit of the most efficient way to hit play on 20 iPods at once (mission accomplished, by the way). Unfortunately, Calgary’s infamous schizoid weather made an appearance and we were rained out of our opening night showings…however, we did get to meander around the marathon and fitness expo (which had the added surprise perks of a free 30 minute massage and winning both a 7-day free pass to a local gym + 3 badass new running headbands (sweat wicking, natch) – one that’s neon yellow and says “will run for beer,” a pink and purple braided number, and a really cute houndstooth one). Tomorrow we’ll be out there rain or shine, and I could NOT be happier to be working again. I’m simply not a woman who can not be working and not feel bad about it – Vega rocks for giving me a break from things; however, I’m definitely excited to find something new and exciting work wise when we hit the island.

Something in the realm of “professional blogger” would tickle me pink..however, I’m not delusional and will look down other avenues.

Other than that, we accomplished groceries (despite rain) this evening, I made us a deeeeeelicious pork roast (we like pig, ok?), and drank way too much coffee today. I had a bit of a hate-myself-for-not-being-skinny kind of day yesterday, but I read something that was of great comfort to me today. Simply and much shortened, this body is mine and I should be proud of it for that. Sometimes I’ll be thin and sometimes I’ll be a little bigger than thin and sometimes I’ll be in-between and I have to learn to be okay with all of those possibilities. This, plus my rekindled love affair and lust for running got me over that hump–I’d rather be well-fed and slightly heavier than I’d like (aside: women of the blogosphere, where the fuck do we get these arbitrary “goal weight” numbers from? I was most certainly not healthiest nor at my most stunning at 95 pounds..) and able to crush my runs this season than emaciated, hungry, and weak. I feel pretty spectacular about myself today, and Iam working on harnessing this feeling. Baby steps towards permanent self-acceptance, and this one feels like a pretty massive leap forwards.



Not a long post tonight, just thought I’d check in and spread some good vibes. Busy bee Mia is going to be tied up the next few days – but I haven’t forgotten about y’all!

Wallace, out.

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Mia’s Perfect Every Time Pork Rib Roast + Parsnip Gravy

Hello readers, happy hump day to you all!

I had an influx of requests for more detailed instructions on how to cook the perfect pork roast, so I took the opportunity yesterday whilst cooking one to take a pile of pictures for a step-by-step breakdown of how I whip this up. It’s easy (I promise) and makes a pretty awesome meal when served alongside veggies. A few easy tweaks, and it’s also W30 approved!

When you’re looking for the perfect roast at the grocery store/butcher, go for something with a nice amount of fat. Rib roasts are awesome as they tend to fit the bill and they stay super tender through the roasting process.

This guy won our hearts. Good amount of fat, and a nice thick cut.

First step is to prep the veggies. I used 2 large parsnips (peeled and coarsely chopped), 1/2 each of a large yellow onion and a large white onion (peeled and sliced), and 1 head of garlic (peeled and minced). Also, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Other things that are tasty additions to a pork roast: carrots, tomatoes, green onions, celeriac…

Next step is to create a braising liquid blend. Yesterday’s was balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard, liquid smoke, Sambal paste (omit if W30), curry leaves, fish sauce (make sure compliant if W30), and some soya sauce (sub in coconut aminos if W30). Whisk with a fork and set aside. I also added 1.5 cups of Vega’s homemade mead (omit if W30 and sub in bone broth or water)–you want about 2.5 cups of liquid for this adventure.


Next step is to heat 1 TBSP of EVOO (or coconut oil, or ghee. I like the taste EVOO imparts to the meat) in the pot you’ll be using to roast the piggy in. When it’s nice and hot, sear the pork on each side until browned (about 2 min/side). When that’s done, remove the pork and let rest.

Now, add another TBSP of EVOO to the same pot (over med-low heat) and add the onions. Let those simmer away and cook down until translucent. Add the garlic (and a TBSP of Sambal for some extra kick), and continue to cook over low heat.

While the onions are cooking, give the roast a nice rubdown with some garlic powder, salt, pepper, onion powder, and oregano.

Then, add the parsnips to the onion mix, give ’em a nice stir, add the liquid, and then return the pork to its tasty hot tub of yummy potential.

Bring this to a boil over high heat, then cover and pop into the hot oven for an hour while you browse the internet and enjoy the delicious smells soon to be wafting through the house.

After an hour goes by, uncover the roast. Continue to cook uncovered for an hour, basting every fifteen minutes.

When the cooking time is up, place the roast onto a cutting board and cover with tinfoil. It’s important to let the meat rest for about 10-15 minutes before you cut into it to trap those tasty meat juices in there.

I took the liberty of snapping a picture before I covered this beauty 🙂

In the meantime, prepare the parsnip gravy by scooping the parsnips and onions into your blender and whirling around until smooth. Add 3 TBSP of coconut milk, whirl to mix.

Return to the pot you cooked the roast in, and mix well with the yummy brown bits on the bottom of the pot. Simmer over low heat for 5-8 minutes to thicken.

While that’s thickening and getting tastier, slice the roast…

…then serve with your choice of side dish (I opted for sautéed cabbage and broccoli) and some parsnip gravy.


Go forth and roast pork 🙂


Wallace, out.



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Tomato Braised Pork Roast and Roasted Veggie Gravy (aka Dino Chow Comfort Food)

Hello Blogosphere!

I am back with another amazing pork recipe (we like oink in this house, it seems!)–this one is delicious, savory, hearty, and filling–plus, it’s super easy and 100% W30/W9 friendly. I served it with my favorite veggie side dish, and I gotta say I impressed myself with this one–Vega loved it too 🙂

(disclaimer: not my kitchen, nor my pork!) A roast like this one works the best–small amount of fat, nice and thick, and keep the netting on while you cook it so it doesn’t fall apart!

What You’ll Need (for 2 hungry omnomnomivores + leftovers):
-a 3-5 pound pork roast (we used a boneless rib roast–bonus points for grass fed!)
-1 large can of diced tomatoes (make sure there is no added sugar, sulphites or other nasties), strained (reserve liquid)
-2 TBSP balsamic vinegar
-1 large white onion, chopped
-1 head of garlic, minced
-1 TBSP whole peppercorns
-4-5 Bay leaves
-Salt (to taste)
-Pepper (to taste)
-Garlic powder (to taste)
-Onion powder (to taste)
-Oregano (to taste)
-2 TBSP EVOO (can sub out for ghee or coconut oil; however, it adds a nice depth of flavor to the dish, use your discretion here)
-1/4 of a can of coconut milk (again, full-fat (why pay for light when it’s just watered down? And why cut down on healthy fat?), and make sure there are no added sulphites, carrageenan, sugars, or soy lechiten!)
-Chili powder (to taste)
-Cayenne pepper (to taste)

And what you need to do is:
1. Preheat oven to 350°
2. In a heavy bottomed pot (or Dutch oven), heat 1 TBSP of the EVOO over medium, and sear the pork (about 2 minutes/side, until browned)
3. Remove pork, and add the remainder of the EVOO. Sautee the onions until translucent, about 5 minutes
4. While the onions are cooking, rub the pork with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and oregano
5. Add garlic to onions, cook until fragrant (about 1 minute)
6. Add tomatoes, allow to cook for 3-5 minutes
7. Add tomato liquid + 1.5 cups of water, stir well, then add peppercorns and bay leaves
8. Transfer pork back into pot and bring the entire mixture to a boil. Cover and place into hot oven, allow to cook for 1 hour (and enjoy the yummy smells as they begin to waft through your house…)
9. Remove pork from oven, flip, and baste with liquid. Cook uncovered for another hour, basting every 15 minutes
10. At the end of the hour, place pork on a plate and cover with foil, allowing to rest while you
make the delicious roasted veggie gravy:
1. Place 2/3 of the braising liquid into a blender with the coconut milk, puree until mostly smooth
2. Add chili powder and cayenne pepper, whirl in blender to mix
3. Stir back into remaining 1/3 of braising liquid, simmer on low for 10-15 minutes to thicken



SERIOUS tasty noms. The braising keeps the pork super juicy and tender–I barely needed my knife, and the gravy is just deeeeelish!

Go forth and roast pork!

Wallace, out 🙂

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