Tag Archives: drafts

The Sea Is A Good Place To Think Of The Future

Hello, blogoverse!

I’ve tried to start this post like four times now. Seriously, it’s been sitting in my drafts folder and enough is enough! Ha. How are your weeks going so  far? Can you believe that  we’re this close to Christmas already? I’m actually pretty jazzed on the holidays this year for once. Vega and I have amassed quite the pile of presents for each other..I tried to stay in budget, Vega, but you’ve good taste and you’re fun to shop for. There’s something extra magical about the weather we’re having right now, too. Instead of the typical three feet of snow and/or -45 degree cold snap to which I’d become accustomed in the prairies, it’s hovering around the five degree mark here, and we’ve had these gorgeous cloudy drizzly rainy days all week. It’s wonderful here.

This weekend was somewhat uneventful. Friday, Vega and his family took off to Calgary for the day to spend some time with Vega’s grandpa. I got up early to say goodbye, then walked his parents pug (she’s such a cute little monstrosity of a dog), then got my nails done (they’re all long and faaaab now), then cleaned our suite like a madwoman, then ordered some pizza, then passed out cold on our loveseat until Vega got home a few hours later. I was in the midst of a heavily fucked up dream and kinda vaguely remember being very grumpy for a moment and then being asleep again. We slept like champs until Saturday afternoon, then peeled ourselves out of our warm comfy bed and headed downtown for Vega to get some Christmas shopping done and to eat way too much sushi. We got home and I realized that a small but painful knot had taken residence in my neck. Advil advil tea and advil, and then a lot of sleep. Sunday was more sleep and porkchops. Vega makes killer porkchops. Yesterday, I didn’t get much  done. I slept in too late and felt kinda poopy all day. Today, I was up before noon, dressed and out the door to get the last of Vega’s Christmas prezzies. Mission accomplished, then got home, made some art, wrote the first few pages of the first “official” draft of my book ( aside: I AM WRITING MY BOOK IN A LISA FRANK NOTEBOOK. LISA FUCKING FRANK OF NINETIES STATIONARY FAME. LISA FRANK, WHOM I LOVE AND ADORE WITH EVERY 90S KID FIBRE OF MY DAMN BEING.), had a brief chat with Spinnaker, then watched a whole bunch of Sopranos with Vega. We started “Amelie,” too, but that’s on hold until tomorrow. Vega’s gone to bed now and I’m sitting here listening to the super catchy Los Campesinos! track that Spinny’s got me hooked on.

The title of this post is the title of that song and I’ve got to say that they hit the nail on the proverbial head with that one. The sea has always been my place of peace and understanding and harmony. I feel grounded when I’m near the ocean, and living on the island has definitely been good for my head, my heart and my soul. I’ve had a lot to think about since we got here (and well before that but you know what I’m trying to say), and I feel like the simple act of waking up in the morning and having the luxury of greeting the day with my first cigarette of the day overlooking the pacific has done my mental state more good than any of the hundreds of counsellors I’ve seen over the years. Vega’s stressing over Christmas and as much as I love that he’s fussing over me so much and so painstakingly is adorable, but I want to pull him aside and stop him and find a way to explain to him what a gift it is to me to be able to sit by the sea and think of our future and  think of our present and revel in how it somehow erases bits of my past and how that’s the best gift anybody could ever give me, ever. But I don’t have the words, Vega. So that’s the conundrum I face – you are so good to me, so good for me, that you outdo any gift you could ever give me.

I can’t seem to wind my brain down today. Mind’s going a million miles a minute and it has been since I got out of bed. Tomorrow I am going to try to wake up at a good time and go for a run and sit my ass down and write for a couple of hours and finish my piece of pending art. I know that’s a lot of things for someone who’s been so sloth-y lately but I figure it’s all do-able. I feel like I might have forgotten to mention that I got the dream job I was stressing over last week! I start in January and I really can’t wait. I  also feel wickedly antsy and restless. That said, it’s been a nice few days, celebrating the new employment by taking some serious me time. I don’t do enough of that for myself.

Aaaanywhore. I think it’s high time (ha!) that I make myself some chamomile and find some shitty TV show to watch. I need to relax my mind and writing is amping me up right now.

For  now,

Wallace, out.

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Me ranting