“The true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The solution is always an equal mix of might and right.”

Hello blogosphere!
Happy Tuesday to you all. I hope you had wonderful weekends and that the week has been going alright for you thus far. Vega’s currently busy doing some editing on the album he’s been recording, so I figured I’d take the chance to update the ol’ blog with the happenings of the past few days. I’ve had some recipe requests this weekend, and I’ll work on getting those up just as soon as I have the time. It’s been both busy and quiet in the Miasphere the last little while–keep reading and I’ll divulge.

…In case the quote from the title of this post wasn’t a dead enough giveaway, Vega and I have been on a Sons of Anarchy bender the past few days.

C’mon September, I want season 6 and I want it NOW!

I was apprehensive about watching Sons when it first came out, as I was wrapped up in my own club business back in those days; however, I remember sitting at the house with the guys when it premiered and being just blown away by the Pilot episode (and every subsequent episode ever since) with the way that Sutter managed to capture so much minutia of the lifestyle that I’d expected him to either gloss over or completely misrepresent. Vega’s experiencing SOA for the first time consecutively (no spoilers here, folks–he’s into the last three episodes of Season 3), and this has easily got to be the tenth time watching it all through on my end. Thank Jeebus for FrostWire, great writing, and couch cuddles with my fiancé–I can say with a degree of certainty that come September, I’ll have company watching Season 6. Now, if only there was a way to not have to wait for the fall to FIGURE OUT WHAT THE HELL THEY’RE GOING TO DO WITH THE DAMN CLIFFHANGER THEY LEFT ME ON…

Anywhore, I digress. Thursday night, Vega and I got a little more than tipsy together (leftover Crown Royal from hump day last week + mead = yes, I wept for humanity. Shaddup.), and went to bed in the wee hours of the morning having fully accepted that we’d opted to take our weekend early. Spent Friday nicely  hungover on the couch, watching Sons and feeling like hell. Seriously, add that to the list of things that make me feel old–I used to drink way more than that every single bloody night in university and wake up feeling peachy after much less sleep. Nowadays? Sheesh. Went to bed early Saturday morning and had a glorious pass-out sleep. Woke up Saturday well into the afternoon, got ready for the day and headed over to Mouth’s place with Vega to watch the UFC fights with Veggie and Chef.

It was an excellent card, and I am pleased to report that Big Country not only made an appearance but knocked Congo right the fuck out–that and Bones’ victory were the definite highlights on the roster for the evening for me. And just in case you missed it, Bones’ broken foot = gnarly; however, his victory speech was hilarious. I’ve missed the UFC. It’s such a treat to get to watch fights with friends again. Things that make me happy #327: PPV MMA.

When Vega and I got home Saturday evening, we watched more Sons and I made us a hella tasty pork rib roast that we promptly devoured on the couch. Since we’d slept until 4:30 in the afternoon, we ended up awake until noon on Sunday. Went to bed exhausted and in a weird headspace–Vega and I both have some anxiety issues, and we’ve both been prone to mild and strange bouts of it lately. I had the strangest dream Sunday about camping in the Himalayas trying to avoid my mother so that she wouldn’t steal my dog. Seriously, what the fuck, subconscious? Can’t we just…not? Anyways. Woke up at 4:00am Monday morning, made a pot of coffee, and read up on internet trends on BuzzFeed while listening to Blur. Vega woke up about an hour later, and we ate delicious brekky food on the couch while watching (of course) more Sons. Vega went to work, and I did the dishes and went for a run. Did some brutal hill repeats, and was just about to set off for a long run when it started SNOWING. Seriously Calgary, it’s almost May. Enough with the fluffy white crap. Turned around and sprinted home (twas coooolllllddddd and windy), then set up on the couch with the pooch for puppy snuggles. Sold another Kijiji item (woohoo Victoria Moving Fund is shaping up slowly but surely!! Two more months…), ate some dinner, watched more of our latest addiction, then went to sleep absolutely exhausted.

Today’s been nice and relaxing so far–we woke up around 11, had brekky, and re-posted some ads (pay for front page Kijiji? Pffft). Following that, did some yoga and a short abs circuit, and listened to a bunch of awesome tracks from the ’90s while catching up on Reddit. I’ve been laying low lately–minor cold last week meant I took a few days off working out, which led to some minor (ahem..major) guilt on my part–and this week I’ve been fighting a fun battle with rheumatoid arthritis and a lupus flare (blaming the damn weather bouncing around for that), which means that my hands hurt so goddamn much I can’t even type this without cringing.

Nonetheless, I’m trying to get back into my 6x/week workout routine, even if that means taking it (relatively) easy and doing a majority of yoga and ab work while I wait for the sore joint bullshit to subside. Things that make me feel old #3675: creaky, achy joints. Things that make me feel better #3324: nursing my sore ego (seriously, I’m in my early 20’s and dealing with the kind of shit most commonly seen in ones 60’s) on the couch with SOA marathons melded with fiancé and puppy snuggles on grey days. It also makes me feel doubly good about being committed to my health (via diet and exercise and mental health awareness) knowing that the things I do right for my body and mind as of now will only help to make aging a less painful process, despite the things I can’t control. Won’t lie, I’m having a rough time staying positive right now with the whole flare business; however, I’m proud to be taking control of it as best I can. Give/take, I suppose. Such is life. I’m definitely about ready for my rocking chair and my shotgun on days like today when I mourn the lost days of my youth..haha!

Anyways, my hands are aching something awful and I think it’s about time for a smoke break and some puppy snuggles. I have so much more I wanted to say, but I physically don’t think I can type it up right now–that’s me, promising to post as soon as I can manage to do so without wanting to cry! Wallace, out. 

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2 thoughts on ““The true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The solution is always an equal mix of might and right.”

  1. redbeardvega says:

    My love, I will rub your hands until mine fall off! And hurray for all the tasty roasts you’ve been making… my new favourite food 🙂

    Your Vega

    • Mia Wallace says:

      Tasty roasts for the rest of forever for you my love! Nomnomnoms are even better when they’re enjoyed with you watching Sons on the couch 🙂

      I love you so very much!

      Your Mia

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